I am Dr. Srinivas. I am working as Medical Director for a Pharmaceutical company.
I would like to make a small request to you.
Before that I would like to share a small information.
Many of you might have read the newspapers.
EMRI results say majority of people having Heart Attack are less than 50 years old.
You will be surprised to know the culprit is Palm Oil. It is far far more dangerous than Alchol and Smoking together.
India is the highest importer for Palm oil in this world.
Palm oil mafia is very very big and all-powerful.
Our children who are the future are at big risk.
There is no fast food available in this country without Palm Oil.
If you go to our grocery store, try to pick up a children's edible food without Palm oil.
You will be interested to know even Biscuits of big companies are made from it and similarly all chocolates. We are made to believe they are healthy but never did we know that we check the kind of oil or fat-ingredient used in it's production. We are obviously unaware about the killer Palm oil or Palmitic acid that goes into most of these products. Most of these companies don't mention the name of the oil in the list of ingredients, it is simply listed as edible oil by many.
Big companies like Lays use a different oil in Western Countries, but use Palm oil in India just because it is Cheap.
Each time our child eats a product made using Palm Oil, the brain behaves inappropriately and signals to secrete fat around and in the Heart. This has a high potentiality to cause Diabetes at a very young age.
World Economic Form has projected that 50 percent of people who Die at a young age will die of Diabetes and Heart Disease.
The Palm Oil mafia has made our Children addicted to Junk Food while abandoning healthy natural snack and meal-food such fruits and vegetables, which are Heart protective.
The next time you buy something for your child, please care to check the label of the product. If it has Palm oil or Palmolienic oil or Palmitic acid, simply avoid it.
We, have written to our Honourble Prime Minister, and are also in the process of getting similar letters from One Lakh Doctors across India in order to add weight to our efforts. All in the interest of securing the current younger and the future generations.
Protect our Children. They are the future, the country's future.
And the only way you can do this is by supporting, and right now your support will come from sharing.
Pls share this message. Create awareness, strengthen the movemen